Late Tuesday evening, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issued a revised epidemic order that is effective May 6-31, 2021. Under the new order, masks are generally not required outdoors unless a gathering has 100 or more people and some gathering restrictions are loosened under enhanced protocols (which have not yet been released). New guidance for organized sports no longer requires routine COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated participants if they are asymptomatic. Masks continue to be required for contact sports, but are no longer required outdoors during active practice and competition for non-contact sports. 

Updates to the Gatherings and Masks Order encourage outdoor events with larger capacities permitted for entertainment and recreational facilities and for sports stadiums and arenas that hold events outdoors. This includes: 

·  Large outdoor events, including festivals, fairs, and golf tournaments  will be able to exceed the current 1,000-person limit, so long as they create and post a safety plan consistent with the MDHHS Large Outdoor Event Guidance, and no more than 20 persons per 1,000 square feet are gathered in any space available to patrons.  

·  Outdoor stadiums and arenas: 

o    Stadiums complying with enhanced protocols will continue to be allowed to operate at 20% of their fixed seating capacity. For example, a stadium with a maximum capacity complying with enhanced protocols would be permitted to host 8,000 patrons. 

o    Otherwise, for stadiums or arenas with a fixed seating capacity of 5,000 or greater without enhanced protocols 1,000 patrons may be gathered (previously 750). 

o    For stadiums or arenas with a fixed seating capacity of 10,000 or greater without enhanced protocols 1,500 patrons may be gathered. 

·  Residential outdoor gatherings are allowed up to 50 people. Or, where density does not exceed 20 persons per 1,000 square feet of usable outdoor space, up to 300 people may be gathered.

For the full order, visit of now, the enhanced protocols have not yet been released, but we expect them to be soon as they are referenced in the order as dated May 4. Check the guidance page associated with the new order for updates.

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